
EoE Neonatal, Paediatric Critical Care and Surgery in Children ODNs


Transitional Care Program

3rd March 2025 | | Bridge

Innovation & Quality Improvement Lead:Katie Cullum

The new Neonatal Transitional Care Programme

This course is aimed at all professional working in a Transitional Care or Special Care Setting and provides the fundamental knowledge and skills required to work in these areas.

This is a 16week programme. During that time the applications will be expected to carry out 2 hours self-directed learning via the bridge blended learning platform per week (32hrs total) and have the option to attend 4 virtual live study days (24hrs). They will also be expected to complete a competency document and end of programme assessment. For more info and to see contents covered please see the course handbook

This course is being run as open enrolment and delegates will be assigned the course on bridge on the 1st of the month.

This course is £200.00 per person

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