Be Involved in Projects
Video Transcript
Video Transcript
My name is Lauren Smith and I am a bereaved and neonatal parent.
I am also the chair for the neonatal side of the Maternity Neonatal Voices project across NWAFT and I’m also a PAG member.
My name is Katie Cullum and I work for the Neonatal ODN as Lead Nurse for Innovation and Quality Improvement.
We are passionate about working with you as parents to help us develop projects that can benefit families across the region and in your local units.
Recent examples include our East of England repatriation project and that’s improving the experience of moving between units, our baby sling project and our antenatal counselling project. Looking to improve the experience of parents?
If you see a project you’d like to know more about or to take part in, please contact the project lead via the e-mail in the project description.
We look forward to hearing from you.