
EoE Neonatal, Paediatric Critical Care and Surgery in Children ODNs


Neonatal Infant Feeding 2 Day Study Day

20th May 2025 | 09:00-15:30 | Virtual

Lead Care Coordinator:Julia Cooper

Care Coordinator:Nina Vieira

Care Coordinator :Paula Peirce

This is a 2 day study day and delegates are required to attend both days.

The first session will be held on the 20th May and the second session will be held on the 21st  May.

This is a free course

These two virtual study days deliver the BFI curriculum for neonatal and transitional care staff.  They cover the curriculum the BFI Leads on units have developed with additional sessions from experts on ankyloglossia/tongue tie, early feeding support and management of cleft lip and palate.
These study days support units to increase the number of trained staff required for BFI accreditation, through providing additional training opportunities to the unit-based teaching your BFI Leads are providing therefore achieving a higher percentage of trained staff in a shorter time.

Please use the link below to book onto this course

Booking Form

Closing date for booking is 30th April 2024

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