
EoE Neonatal, Paediatric Critical Care and Surgery in Children ODNs

Paediatric Critical Care

Leadership Course-Autumn 2023

4th October 2023 | Various times | Virtual

Paediatric Education Lead:Francesca Wright

Paediatric Practice Development Lead:Naomi Rowell

Neonatal Practice Development Lead:Teresa Berry

Young couple sat on sofa looking at a laptop together

This cohort is now full. Please keep an eye on the website for next years dates.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new course for the East of England ODNs ‘Healthy Leadership’, produced and delivered in collaboration with Steve Andrews, Associate Director of Leadership and Development at East and North Herts NHS Trust.

Spaces are limited. This course is suitable for band 6’s and above.

This course is available for delegates from outside of the East of England Network for a charge of £20.00 per person

This course is 8 sessions and will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams lasting for 2 hours

The dates times for this course are

Date Time
Wednesday 4th October 09:00-11:00
Wednesday 11th October 11:00-13:00
Monday 16th October 14:00-16:00
Thursday 9th November 14:00-16:00
Friday 17th November 09:00-11:00
Wednesday 22nd November 13:00-15:00
Wednesday 29th November1 11:00-13:00
Thursday 7th December 10:00-12:00


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