
EoE Neonatal, Paediatric Critical Care and Surgery in Children ODNs

Surgery In Children

Paediatric Pre-Assessment Practitioner Course

17th May 2024 | 09:00-17:00 | Virtual

Lead Nurse Education:Francesca Wright

EoE SiC Lead Nurse:Damian Griffiths

This course is run by East Midlands and East of England ODNs as part of the SW/TV&W national roll out and is FREE of charge.

The Pre Op Assessment Practitioner course is open to all registered nurses and registered nurse associates working in paediatric pre op assessment areas in the east of England and east Midlands networks.  The course is designed on the AGAPBI guidelines and will provide delegates with a wide range of knowledge and skills in order to undertake paediatric pre op assessment and to contribute to delivering the paediatric pre op assessment service. The course is delivered over 3 virtual study days and requires completion of self directed study and a competency work book.  Each delegate requires a practice supervisor.

The mandatory, virtual study days are set to take place on:

  1. 17th May 2024
  2. 19th June 2024
  3. 11th July 2024

Please use the link below to book onto this course

Booking Form 

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